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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions: General

  1. Website content 

Kent Music (KM) makesevery effort to ensure that the information on its website is accurate and up to date. However, KM cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by relying on inaccurate information contained on its site.

  1. Website links 

Kent Music is not responsible for the content of external websites. The inclusion of a link to an external website from should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that website or its owners, including their products and services

KM cannot guarantee that these links will always function correctly, and we have no control over the availability of the linked pages. KM advises public users to read the privacy policies on all websites they visit.

  1. Events 

Kent Music cannot accept responsibility for publicisedeventsthat are not organised by Kent Music.

  1. Data Protection 

Kent Music is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Whenever you provide such information, KM is legally obliged to use your information in line with all laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 1998. For more details, see ourPrivacy Policy.


  1. Third Party Data Usage 

Kent Music never passes on personal details of students, staff or contractors without their express permission. For more details, see ourPrivacy Policy

  1. Your agreement 

By entering your details in any fields within the website, you are consenting to Kent Music contacting you and providing you with the requested information and/or services.For more details, please refer to ourPrivacy Policy.





  1. Refund policy 

Once we have been made aware of any refund due to you due to overpayment or non-delivery of services, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received all of the required information. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

If the refund is approved, then it will be processed within 3 working days.

  1. Cancellation 

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations (2013) you have 14 days from entering into a service contract with Kent Music in which you can cancel it. If you agree to the service starting within the 14 day cancellation period, you will still need to pay for any service from which you have benefited.

  1. Terms and Conditions Review 

Kent Music reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. In the event of any changes to our terms and conditions, you will have the option to accept the revised terms if withdraw from our services.

If we inform you of any significant changes to these terms that would be disadvantageous to you without providing sufficient notice for you to withdraw from the Agreement by the specified date, you will not be obligated to pay any administration charge or late discontinuation charge for the subsequent term.

This Agreement is governed by English Law.

Terms and Conditions: Tuition

Definition:For the purpose of this agreement “Term” refers to one of the following periods:Autumn (September to December), Spring (January to March), Summer (April to July).

This document is for the named parent/carer and payer of invoices for instrumental and/or vocal tuition with Kent Music.

By ticking the box on our online application form or signing the printed copy, you agree to our Tuition Terms and Conditions below, unless you notify us within seven working days of receiving your offer confirmation by email.

1. Lessons Overview  

Kent Music aims to deliver thirty-three (33) lessons per academic year. School terms vary in length thus affecting the number of lessons delivered in any one term. Should we fall short of this number for any reason, we will make a pro-rata refund or credit in respect of the shortfall, normally at the end of the academic year.

2. Arranging Lesson Timeslots 

Your lesson timeslot, venue and start date are confirmed in an email sent by Kent Music ahead of your first lesson.

For lessons taking place outside of school hours, including Music Centre lessons, timeslots are fixed each week. If Kent Music needs to change a timeslot or venue for any reason, you will be informed by email.

For lessons taking place during school hours, timeslots are arranged between the Kent Music teacher and the school. Lesson timeslots during the school day are subject to change, for example if the teacher operates lessons on a rotation system.

For online lessons, a Zoom link will be sent to you by your teacher ahead of the first lesson starting. Please ensure to check your junk/spam folder in case the email has been sent there. We recommend adding Kent Music email addresses to your safe sender list. Full online learning guidance will be sent in advance of the first lesson.

3. Pupil Attendance 

Please take note of the lesson time and attend promptly. Kent Music cannot take responsibility for missed or shortened lessons due to a pupil’s late arrival.

If a pupil is unable to attend an upcoming lesson, you should let Kent Music or your teacher know as soon as possible. This can be done by emailing

If a pupil is reported absent from music lessons for two weeks in a row, Kent Music will be in contact to discuss this with you. You can also monitor pupil attendance by logging into your Kent Music SpeedAdmin account. Once you are logged in, select ‘My Profile’ along the top, then the ‘Attendance’ tab on the pupil’s profile. If you require your log in details to be re-sent, please contact us.

In school settings, Kent Music teachers will make every reasonable effort to ensure your child attends their lesson.

Teachers and schools may have measures in place to remind pupils of upcoming lessons, such as displaying lesson times on a noticeboard or using reminder slips in a register. In some cases, teachers may collect pupils from their classroom if permitted by the school office. However, there is usually a quick turn-around between music lessons, so if a pupil cannot be located in time, their teacher will need to proceed to the next lesson.

If the student is unwell or injured for five or more consecutive weeks, on receipt of medical evidence we will credit the lessons up to a maximum of 11 lessons. After 11 lessons, if the student is still unable to resume lessons the lesson space will be offered to another customer and the student will be moved onto the waiting list. Lessons will be rescheduled when the student is ready to start learning again and when a space is next available.

Conflicts between school activities and music lessons, such as Forest School, sports day, or other clubs, will be treated similarly to a pupil’s failure to attend. We encourage parents to communicate with their child’s classroom teacher or the school’s music lead if extra measures are needed to ensure a child can attend in these instances.

4. Teacher Absence 

If a teacher needs to cancel an upcoming lesson, they, or Kent Music admin staff, will let you know by phone, text message or email.

They may offer a rescheduled lesson or an online lesson alternative. For rescheduled lessons, teachers are required to let parents/carers and pupils know in advance when this will be taking place. If a pupil does not attend an agreed rescheduled lesson, this will be treated as a pupil absence and will not be refundable.

Any unscheduled make-up lessons will be credited back to your account at the end of the academic year.

5. Changes to Lesson Details 

Any adjustments to lesson details, for example a change in duration, are typically addressed at the end of each term.

Whilst Kent Music will try to accommodate your change request, approval is dependent on teacher availability amongst other factors so we cannot guarantee that your lesson details will be adjusted. 
You will be contacted each term by email to ask if you need to make any change requests ahead of the new term commencing.

If Kent Music needs to make changes to your lesson details, for example a change of teacher, we aim to give you at least five weeks’ notice before any changes take effect.

6. Contact Details 

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that their contact details are kept up to date. Any changes or updates to contact details should be made through your Kent Music SpeedAdmin account or by contacting our administration team at

Please ensure that you promptly update your contact information to ensure effective communication between Kent Music and yourself.

7. Lesson Fees 

The fees list for lessons can be found on our website. The fees list is dated and normally remains valid for the academic year. It is reviewed annually with the revisions taking effect from September.

8. Shared Lessons 

In the event that a shared lesson cannot continue, for example if a lesson partner discontinues, the shared lesson rate will be honoured for the rest of the current term. You will be given the option to continue individual lessons at the standard individual lesson rate for the following term. We will try to find a new partner to share the lesson, but this is not always possible.

9. Invoices 

Lessons are invoiced termly by email in advance of the start of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Payment is due in full by the date specified on your invoice, usually two weeks after the invoice is issued. It may take up to five working days for your payment to be confirmed as received by us.

Accepted payment methods are bank transfer and online card payment. Payment instructions are found on your invoice email and on our website:

Instalment plans can be set up at the customer’s request, to spread the cost of invoices across the year. These are not direct debit agreements, and the customer is required to set up a standing order arrangement with their bank. Kent Music reserves the right to decline instalment plan requests on the basis of previous late payments and to cancel any instalment plan agreement, if the payer defaults on agreed payments.

10. Late Payment and Suspension of Lessons 

If payment is overdue, we will issue a reminder notice by email one week after the due date. If payment has still not been received three weeks after the due date, a further email will be sent, with a warning that lessons may be suspended.

Kent Music will attempt to contact customers by text message or phone to provide a further reminder and offer the opportunity to discuss any reason why payment has not been made and whether the invoice needs to be adjusted. If the invoice remains unpaid, lessons will be suspended with effect from the half-term break (Spring and Summer terms), or the start of the term (Autumn).

After a customer is cut off for non-payment, the full term’s debt is still payable.

In the event of suspension due to non-payment, the lesson timeslot is not considered reserved and another pupil may be allocated the space. Customers who are discontinued for non-payment will be removed from the waiting list for other lessons. If payment is then made, a new application for lessons can be made but this will not return to previous position on the waiting list.

We require all accounts to be cleared by the end of the academic year before lessons can be scheduled for the new academic year. Small debits (usually less than £50) can be carried over, at the discretion of the Senior Leader, Operations.

11. Lesson Discontinuation  

One month’s notice prior to the start of the following term is required to discontinue from lessons. For example, if the Spring Term starts on 3rd January, discontinuation notice is required by 3rd December at the latest.

Discontinuation notice deadlines can be found on our Music Lessons page.

Notice must be sent in writing by email to or by letter to Kent Music’s Head Office. Notice given verbally or in writing to the teacher will not be registered as notice and you may continue to be charged for lessons.

If written notice to withdraw is received after the discontinuation deadline but before the second lesson or session of the term has taken place, then 50% of the termly fee is due. If notice is received after that point, then 100% of the termly fee is due.

If the 50% cancellation charge has been paid, the student is entitled to attend up to 5 lessons before the half-term break.

If your closing balance is in credit, you will be offered a refund. This needs to be claimed within 6 months. If unclaimed, it will be transferred to the Kent Music bursary fund.

12. Lesson Rescheduling and Credits 

In most cases, lessons missed due to pupil absence will not be rescheduled or credited. This is because the teachers’ timeslots are booked in advance.

If credits are due for lessons missed due to teacher absence, these are issued at the end of the academic year once a total lesson calculation is completed. The reason for this is to allow a teacher the maximum opportunity to reschedule missed lessons in the first instance.

Please find full guidance on rescheduling or crediting for missed lessons below:

Reason for Missed Lesson 

Will this be rescheduled?

Will this be credited? 

Pupil is unwell or injured for four or fewer consecutive weeks.

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


Pupil is unwell or injured for five or more consecutive weeks.

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.

Yes, up to a maximum of 11 lessons upon receipt of medical evidence

Teacher has cancelled, e.g. teacher is unwell

Yes, where possible

Yes, if it has not been rescheduled by the end of the academic year.

Pupil has an exam

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


Pupil has an appointment or scheduling conflict

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


Pupil is on holiday 

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion. 


Pupil has forgotten their lesson, instrument, or music book

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


Pupil or parent/guardian no longer wishes for pupil to attend lessons



Online Lesson Technical Difficulties

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


School trip / School event

No, although a teacher may offer to reschedule at their discretion.


School INSET Day

Yes, where possible

Yes, if it has not been rescheduled by the end of the academic year.

Unexpected school closure, e.g. snow day.

Yes, including an online lesson where possible.

Yes, if it has not been rescheduled by the end of the academic year.

If your missed lesson reason is not outlined in the guidance above, please contact our administration team at to discuss your missed lesson.

13. Refunds 

If there is a credit on your account at the end of the academic year, we will credit the balance against a future invoice. You may alternatively choose for your balance to be refunded; in which case you will be asked to confirm your details for a refund via bank transfer (BACS).

Once the necessary information is received the refund will be processed within two weeks.

14. General Terms and Conditions 

By registering for lessons with us you are also agreeing to our General Terms and Conditions including our Privacy Policy.

15. Terms and Conditions Review 

Kent Music reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. You will have the option to accept the revised terms or withdraw from lessons if we change our terms. If we advise you of any material change to these terms to your detriment without giving sufficient notice to enable you to withdraw from the Agreement by the specified date, you will not be required to pay an administration charge or late discontinuation charge of notice in respect of the following term.

This Agreement is governed by English Law.

Terms and Conditions: Financial Assistance

1.        Scope

The Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme is for children and young people aged 5 – 18 years, living in Kent and Medway and attending a Kent or Medway maintained school (local authority, academy, or free school). This scheme helps with music lesson fees and instrument hire through music hub funding from the Department for Education.

This assistance does not cover music lessons set up as an agency agreement with the school or for classroom teaching either via Kent Music or other providers.

All Kent Music teachers are employed by Kent Music with recruitment in line with the Department for Education’s Keeping children safe in education – GOV.UK (

Financial assistance is awarded for one academic year only (or part of) and is not backdated.  Applications open in the second half of the preceding summer term and are subject to available funds. New applicants can apply via the Kent Music website during this period.  Applications may also be made throughout the academic year but is subject to availability.

Existing beneficiaries will be invited to re-apply each year.

2.        Financial Assistance Criteria 

Financial assistance is available to children and young people from families who meet at least one or more of the following criteria (you will be asked to provide a photocopy/scan of one supporting document with your application form):

  • Children and young people eligible for Free School Meals (year 3 or above)
  • Universal Credit or any other the benefits detailed under where Universal Credit is not in place:
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)

Kent Music is committed to enabling children and young people access music opportunities. If you feel you need support but do not qualify according to the criteria above, please complete the form and submit with additional details of your circumstances.

Any debt not covered by an approved allocation from the Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme, or the Kent Bursary Fund will be the responsibility of the payee to the provider of the lessons.

3.        Application and Payment Process 

Applications must be made using the application form which is available at Financial Assistance | Kent Music (

All applicants should be in receipt of one of the benefit criteria detailed on our application form and a current receipt for proof of benefit must be attached to the financial assistance application form.

The scheme administrator will confirm receipt of your application. We aim to process all applications within one month.

All Kent Music invoices to parent/carers/organisations will have the financial assistance element of the lesson detailed on their invoice.

Do not start lessons if relying on this funding, until approval is confirmed.

Please do not apply for financial assistance if your child is not attending a music lesson or does not have a firm offer of a place.

If you need help with the application process, contact

4.        Financial assistance for lessons with Kent Music

If you want to start music lessons from Kent Music, you will need to apply for these online, as well as submitting a Financial Assistance Scheme application. You can apply for music lessons here Music Lessons | Kent Music (

Please then complete the Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme application form detailing Kent Music as the provider. We will check that Kent Music lessons are in place and the financial assistance application form will then be assessed.

Kent Music offers music lessons in a wide selection of instruments, but we do not teach music lessons for all instruments or in all schools in the Kent and Medway Music Hub area.

You will need to have received a confirmation of your music lesson/ensemble from Kent Music before stating that Kent Music is the provider of the music lessons when applying for financial assistance. We will check our registration system to see if lessons have been allocated with a Kent Music teacher, or an offer of lessons/KM ensemble has been made.  Where lessons are not in place or not due to commence, the application for financial assistance will not be processed. The application for financial assistance will be held on file until a firm offer has been made and accepted.

If your lessons are to commence with a Kent Music teacher and financial assistance is no longer available via the Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme due to a lesson offer being delayed or the fund being exhausted, it may be possible to offer funding from our Kent Music Bursary Fund. In this case, you will be contacted by the fund administrator.

Funding covers 75% of the cost of the music lessons not to exceed £120 per term (3 terms per academic year), for one course of instrumental or vocal tuition per student.

Students who miss three consecutive lessons without a valid reason may lose their funding.

Beneficiaries are also entitled to 75% financial assistance towards the cost of Kent Music ensembles at one of Kent Music’s Music Centres Music Centres | Kent Music (

 For students receiving their lessons or instruments directly from Kent Music, the financial assistance contribution will be shown on the parent/carer invoice as a discount.

Financial Assistance is only awarded for music lessons held during the school terms (not in the school holidays). Instruments on hire may be kept during the holiday periods subject to a hire agreement being in place.

If the music lessons do not commence in the term they were expected to, or they are cancelled with the original provider and a transfer to another provider is required, please contact

Applications for Kent Music Summer School are handled via a separate application process via email to the County Programmes Lead

5.         Financial assistance for lessons with other providers

Financial assistance is available for music lessons from providers other than Kent Music, if they take place at school or a recognised business premises within the Kent Music hub area. Parents/carers must ensure these providers have necessary insurance and DBS certificates. 

For students who have lessons with providers other than Kent Music, the financial assistance is paid to the external provider of the music lessons when they send an invoice to Kent Music. Information will be supplied to the beneficiary for them to pass onto the provider of the lessons.

Kent Music is responsible for the supervision of students during lesson times only. At all other times responsibility lies with the school or parent/carers.

For safeguarding and health & safety reasons, Kent Music do not usually support lessons that take place in a teacher’s or student’s home. However, if you are in this situation, please complete the financial assistance application form confirming the arrangement and the reasons why. The application form will be forwarded for consideration by the trustees of the Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme.

Students outside the Kent and Medway Hub Area but attending a school within it are not eligible for this scheme but may apply for support through the Kent Music Bursary Fund.

Kent Music will confirm all allocations of financial assistance to the beneficiary via email. Beneficiaries must inform their lesson provider of their award.

The financial assistance is paid to the provider of the lessons in three payments in the autumn, spring and summer terms in which the lessons take place, on receipt of an invoice from the provider.

External providers should ensure their invoices are sent to Kent Music no later than the half term in which the lessons are provided.  Failure to do so may result in the funding being withdrawn.

It is the beneficiary’s responsibility to ensure an invoice is sent to Kent Music in a prompt manner by the provider. Kent Music cannot be held responsible if the invoices are not received in time.  The financial assistance allocation cannot be claimed retrospectively in the following academic year and Kent Music will not accept any responsibility for unpaid music lesson fees.

Unless the external music provider is the owner of a registered limited business and the invoice is submitted detailing their company registration, all invoices from other music providers should state they are responsible for their own tax and national insurance liabilities on the invoice. Kent Music will not fund music providers other than those detailed on the customer invoice and cannot accept liability if these obligations are not met.

Providers of the lessons other than Kent Music will be required to submit three invoices per academic year (in the term the lessons take place). Invoices must provide the following details:

  • The student’s full name
  • The school or business address where the lessons are taking place
  • The date and number of lessons to be delivered in the full term (a term is defined as 3 terms in the academic year)
  • The full cost of the lesson
  • The amount to be paid by the parent/carer and/or school
  • The balance to be paid by Kent Music
  • The full name, address and contact information of the tutor or music provider

If self-employed, the tutor’s invoice must contain the following statement:

I can confirm that this payment will be declared by me as self-employed income for the current tax year and that I am liable for income tax and national insurance payment under my tax reference

Kent Music is committed to the provision of safe quality services and reserves the right to evaluate the tuition provided by providers as part of our Quality Assurance process.


6.        Instrument Loan

Students in receipt of financial assistance can hire a musical instrument free of charge (one instrument per student). Applications should be made here Musical Instrument Hire | Kent Music (

The instrument is only available for an academic year and a new application is required for each new school year.  The full charge of the instrument hire will be made to those not re-applying or if the application is made after the funds have been exhausted.

7.        Closure of the fund

The allocation of financial assistance from the Kent Music Financial Assistance Scheme is entirely dependent on funds available and may be closed when funds are exhausted. Any applications received during or following closure will not be processed, with applicants informed that their application will be moved to a waiting list.

Closure of the financial assistance scheme will be confirmed via the Kent Music web page Financial Assistance | Kent Music (

8.        Contact Us 

For enquiries and all correspondence please contact:

Gail Batty, Finance Manager, Units 25 & 26, Creative Enterprise Quarter, Javelin Way, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8FN

Phone: 01622 358413


Website: Home | Kent Music (

Terms and Conditions: Music Centres

Definition:For the purpose of this agreement “Term” refers to one of the following periods:Autumn (September to December), Spring (January to March), Summer (April to July)

By selecting the checkbox on our online application form when applying for ensembles or courses at a Music Centre, you indicate acceptance of the Music Centre Terms & Conditions outlined below. This acceptance applies unless you notify us within seven working days of receiving your confirmation email (sent to the email you provided in your application) from Kent Music.

If you have any questions, pleaseget in touch.

1.Attendance and continuation  

New members should apply to join an ensemble via our website; they will then be contacted with information regarding how to attend their first session.

New Music Centre members can attend for free during their first half term (the period before or after the half-term break).

If new starters do not wish to continue following the free trial period, written notice to cancel must be given before the end of the free half term. Term dates can be foundby clicking here.

If you do not contact us, a commitment to continue with the ensemble will be assumed and you will be contacted to confirm that the student has formally joined the ensemble, and the termly membership fee (with 3 terms in a year) will apply.

2. Discounted membership

If students are in receipt of instrumental or vocal lessons with Kent Music, whether in a school or at one of our music centres, they will be entitled to a 10% discount on their music centre membership fee (ensembles only).

3. Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance is available from Kent Music. Students awarded financial assistance for instrumental or vocal lessons are also entitled to 75% reduction on Music Centre membership. If financial assistance is required for music centre membership only, please apply here.

4. Membership Entitlements and Access

Music centre membership entitles the student to access any Kent Music Music Centre ensemble, choir or Music Lab across the county. If you wish to join additional ensembles or swap to a different ensemble, please request this through SpeedAdmin.

5. Number of sessions

Kent Music aims to deliver a minimum of 30 sessions per academic year for ensembles at music centres. However, Music Centre payment is an all-inclusive fee and offers access to multiple ensembles and centres; therefore, no credits or refunds will be given if fewer than 30 sessions are delivered.

6. Student absence

Kent Music is unable to offer refunds or credits for ensemble sessions missed by the student. The only exception is an absence of five or more consecutive weeks due to illness in any one term when the fee for five sessions will normally be refunded on production of supporting medical evidence.

7. Cancellation 

To withdraw from music centre membership, written notice must be given before the start of term. If written notice to withdraw is received after the start of term but before the half-term break, then 50% of the termly fee is due. If notice is received after that point, then 100% of the termly fee is due.

Notice must be sent by email, or by letter to Kent Music, Units 25 & 26, Creative Enterprise Quarter, Javelin Way, Ashford, TN24 8FN.

Notice given verbally or in writing to the ensemble leader will not be regarded as notice.  Term dates can be foundby clicking here.

8. Payments 

By becoming a Music Centre member, you are entering into an ongoing Agreement for centre membership with Kent Music. Details of payment arrangements will be included with your invoice. We can accept payment online, by cheque, bank transfer, credit card and by standing order from your bank account.

If payment is overdue, we will issue a reminder notice by email two weeks after the due date. If payment has still not been received four weeks after the due date, a further email will be sent, with a warning that centre membership may be suspended.

We cannot accept any responsibility for disruption to centre membership from late payment. If you have difficulty in paying, pleaseget in touch.

9. Refunds 

If there is a credit on your account at the end of the academic year, we will credit your balance against a future invoice. You may alternatively choose for your balance to be refunded; in which case you will be asked to confirm your details for a refund via bank transfer (BACS).

Once the necessary information is received the refund will be processed within two working weeks.

10. General Terms and Conditions  

By registering for Music centre membership with us you are also agreeing to our General Terms and Conditions including our Privacy Policy. Please ensure that you take the time to read and review these.

11. Terms and Conditions Review

Kent Music reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. You will have the option to accept the revised terms or withdraw from lessons if we change our terms. If we advise you of any material change to these terms to your detriment without giving sufficient notice to enable you to withdraw from the Agreement by the specified date, you will not be required to pay an administration charge or late discontinuation charge of notice in respect of the following term.

This Agreement is governed by English Law.

Terms and Conditions: Musical Instrument Hire – Individuals

1.             General Terms

1.1           The following terms and conditions exclusively form the constituent part of the contractual relations between Kent Music (registered charity number 1110639 and company number 05464855) (“Kent Music”, “We”, ”Us”) and the Hirer identified in the instrument hire application form (“Hirer”, You”, “Your”) who is requesting the provision by Kent Music of the instruments (“Instruments”) to the exclusion of any other terms that the Hirer seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

1.2           The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations, and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.  The Hirer acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of Kent Music which is not set out in the Agreement.

1.3           Any variation, including the introduction of any additional terms and conditions, alterations or amendments to the Agreement will only be binding when agreed in writing and signed by Kent Music.

2.             The Instruments

2.1           Where applicable, We shall hire to You and You are taking on hire the Instruments together with any Accessories described in the Agreement for the Term (as set out in clause 8.2), subject to these Conditions.

2.2           The Instruments and Accessories will remain Our property at all times and You shall have no right, title or interest in or to the Instruments and Accessories (save the right to possession and use of the Instruments and Accessories subject to these Conditions).  You must not sell or dispose of the Instruments or Accessories.

2.3           Please ensure that You do not remove the labels provided with the Instruments and Accessories during the Term or add Your own identifiers, including sticky labels. All Instruments and Accessories are checked by Us before going out to You and when returned to Us.

3.             Your obligations

3.1           You will:

·       Check the Instruments and Accessories on collection and report to Us anything that is deemed unfit for use within five (5) working days.

·       Pay to Us, without previous demand, the Fee specified on the invoice punctually in accordance with the Payment Schedule.  Any payments sent to Us by post will be at Your risk.

·       Be responsible for, and indemnify Us against, loss of or damage to the Instruments and Accessories whilst in Your possession, howsoever, caused and notify Us immediately of any such loss or damage.

·       Not sell or dispose of the Instruments or Accessories nor allow them to be seized in satisfaction of your debts or for any other legal process and will indemnify Us against all losses, costs, claims, damage and expenses, howsoever, occasioned by Your breach of this clause.

4.             Care of the Goods


4.1 We will provide You the first reed, strings or other disposable or replacement ancillaries for the Instruments free of charge.

4.2 You must use the Instruments and Accessories in a careful and proper manner and (apart from any arrangements for maintenance under clause 5) keep them in good working order.  You shall be responsible for sourcing and buying any replacement reeds, strings or other disposable or replacement ancillaries for the Instruments, as required.

5.             Maintenance

5.1 We shall maintain the Instruments and Accessories in good repair and working condition. We reserve the right to request return of the Instruments and/or Accessories (as applicable) in order to undertake any required maintenance and/or repairs, if applicable.

5.2 You agree to contact Us immediately on the occurrence of anything which requires the Instruments or Accessories to be repaired or otherwise maintained.  For these purposes We shall be at liberty to remove the Instruments and Accessories or any part of them for such length of time as may be necessary and to replace them with equipment of similar (but not necessarily identical) type, which shall be held by You on these Conditions.

5.3 Unless We agree otherwise in writing, You will not be entitled to any abatement or refund of the Fee between the dates of removal and replacement or substitution.

5.4  You agree not to repair the Instruments or Accessories Yourself, or arrange for the Instruments or Accessories to be repaired (unless You have prior permission from Us), although You will be liable to pay for all repairs deemed necessary by Us after the first term’s hire.

6.             Insurance


6.1 You are responsible for all loss, theft, destruction or damage to the Instruments and Accessories even if caused by acts or events outside Your control.

6.2 The Instruments and Accessories shall remain at Your sole risk during the Term and You must therefore insure the Instruments and Accessories against all usual risks of loss, damage or destruction by fire, theft or accident and such other risks as We may from time to time nominate in writing to the Insurance Value.

7.             Liability


7.1           Nothing in these Conditions shall limit or exclude Our liability for:

·       death or personal injury caused by Our negligence, or the negligence of Our employees, agents or subcontractors;

·       fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

·       any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.

7.2           Subject to clause 7.1:

·       We shall under no circumstances whatever be liable to You, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the Agreement; and

·       Our total liability to You in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the Agreement whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the amount of the Fee paid or payable within the 12 months prior to the date of any such liability arising.

7.3           We take no responsibility for:

·       the use of any Instrument or Accessory by the Hirer for which such Instrument or Accessory is not appropriate (unless such use was in accordance with advice given by or on behalf of Us); or

·       use of the Instruments or Accessories in a manner inconsistent with advice given by Us; or

·       the use of damaged or defective Instruments or Accessories where such damage was caused by You, Your agent or any person under Your supervision or after the damage or defect was, or ought to have been, known to You.

and You shall indemnify Us against any liability incurred by Us to any third party as a consequence of the Instruments or Accessories being used in breach of this clause 7.3.

7.4           You shall indemnify Us against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by Us arising out of or in connection with a breach by You of any term of the Agreement.

8.             Term and Termination


8.1           Unless the Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with these Conditions, You agree to take the Instruments and any Accessories for the Minimum Period of one term which shall start on the date that You collect the Instruments and any Accessories.

8.2           The Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue for the Minimum Period (one term) and shall automatically continue thereafter unless and until terminated by either party in accordance with this clause 8 (“Term”).

8.3           Without affecting any other right or remedy available to Us, We may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to You if:

§  You fail to make payment of any amount due under the Agreement on the due date for payment;

§  You commit any other breach of the Agreement which is irremediable or (if such breach is remediable) fail to remedy that breach within 14 days after being notified in writing to do so;

§  You cease to do business, become unable to pay Your debts as they fall due, become or are deemed insolvent, have a receiver, liquidator, manager, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer appointed in respect of the whole or any part of Your assets or business (or are the subject of a filing with any court for the appointment of any such officer), make any composition or arrangement with Your creditors, take or suffer any similar action in consequence of debt or an order or resolution is made for Your dissolution or liquidation (other than for the purpose of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction), or any equivalent or similar action or proceeding is taken or suffered in any jurisdiction;

§  You have made any misrepresentation to Us, whether or not recorded in the Music Resources Kent Form, or You move or propose to move to an address outside the area as We, in our complete discretion, consider reasonable to allow Us to efficiently service or maintain the Instruments and Accessories, or if We decide within Our absolute discretion that the Instruments or Accessories can no longer be efficiently serviced or maintained; or

§  You discontinue music lessons for any reason.

You have the right to terminate the Agreement by written notice to Us prior to the start of term any time after the Minimum Period. If written notice is given to Us during the first half of term (prior to the first day of the half term break), then 50% of the full term’s fee is payable.

9.             Return of the Goods

9.1           At the end of the Term, You must ensure the Instruments and Accessories are checked and ready to be returned to an agreed Kent Music office.

9.2           Please ensure that the Instruments and Accessories are returned in the cases provided by Us. Failure to do this may result in You being charged for missing Instruments or cases.

9.3           The Instruments and Accessories returned must be in good condition and You must pay to Us all amounts due but unpaid up to the date of termination of the Agreement.

10            Failure to return Instruments and Accessories

10.1        If You fail to return the Instruments or Accessories on termination of the Agreement, You are liable to pay Us the Insurance Value of the Instruments and Accessories (Insurance Values can be obtained from Music Resources).  If You are making a claim on an insurance policy, You should notify Us and keep Us informed of the progress of the claim.  We may, at Our discretion, charge You a fee equivalent to the Fees for any period between the date the Instruments and/or Accessories were due to be returned to Us and the date of payment of the Insurance Value to Us.

10.2        If Instruments or Accessories (including cases) are returned to Us that require replacement or repair, You will be charged accordingly. You must settle invoices within 14 days of receipt, otherwise We are at liberty to terminate the Agreement with You and will arrange to collect any Instruments and Accessories in Your possession or control. You will be unable to borrow or hire any more Instruments and Accessories until We receive payment.

11.          Assignment

We shall be entitled at any time to assign the benefit of the Agreement, but You may assign Your obligations under the Agreement only after obtaining Our written consent to the assignment.

12.          Severance

If any provision or part-provision of the Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Agreement.

13.          Third Parties

A person who is not a party to the Agreement shall not have any rights to enforce its terms.

14.          Waiver

A waiver of any right under the Agreement or law is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy provided under the Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict its further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

15.          Governing law

The Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

16.          Jurisdiction

Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

Terms and Conditions: Musical Instrument Hire – Schools

Please ensure all relevant staff have read and understood these Conditions before signing. Please complete, sign and return the Music Resources Kent Agreement to us and retain a copy for your records.

1.             General Terms

1.1           The following terms and conditions exclusively form the constituent part of the contractual relations between Kent Music (registered charity number 1110639 and company number 05464855) (“Kent Music”, “We”, ”Us”) and the school identified in the Music Resource Kent Form (“School”, “You”, “Your”) who is requesting the provision by Kent Music of the instruments (as set out in the Music Resources Kent Form and as indicated as included with a tick) (“Instruments”) to the exclusion of any other terms that the School seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

1.2           Applications for the provision of the Instruments are to be made in writing or by email, by the School to Music Resources Kent in accordance with these Conditions.  The application shall only be deemed to be accepted when Kent Music signs the Music Resources Kent Form to confirm the application and issues this to the School, at which point the contract between Kent Music and the School for the supply of the Instruments in accordance with these Conditions (the “Agreement”) shall come into existence (“Commencement Date”).

1.3           The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between them, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter.  The School acknowledges that it has not relied on any statement, promise or representation made or given by or on behalf of Kent Music which is not set out in the Agreement.

1.4           Any variation, including the introduction of any additional terms and conditions, alterations or amendments to the Agreement will only be binding when agreed in writing and signed by Kent Music.

2.             The Instruments

2.1           Where applicable, We shall loan to You and You are taking on loan, at no charge, the Instruments together with any Accessories described in the Music Resources Kent Agreement that are used for Music Plus for the Term (as set out clause 8.2), subject to these Conditions.

2.2           Where applicable, We shall hire to You and You are taking on hire the Instruments together with any Accessories described in the Music Resources Kent Agreement for the Term (as set out in clause 8.2), subject to these Conditions.

2.3           The Instruments and Accessories will remain Our property at all times and You shall have no right, title or interest in or to the Instruments and Accessories (save the right to possession and use of the Instruments and Accessories subject to these Conditions).  You must not sell or dispose of the Instruments or Accessories.

2.4           Please ensure that You do not remove the bar codes or Ref ID Numbers provided with the Instruments and Accessories during the Term or add Your own identifiers, including sticky labels. All Instruments and Accessories are checked by Us before going out to You and when returned to Us.

3.             Your obligations

3.1           You will:

·       Check the Instruments and Accessories on delivery and report to Us anything that is deemed unfit for use within five (5) working days of delivery.

·       Pay to Us, without previous demand, the Fee specified in the Music Resources Instrument Hire Price List for Schools punctually in accordance with the Payment Schedule.  Any payments sent to Us by post will be at Your risk.

Be responsible for, and indemnify Us against, loss of or damage to the Instruments and Accessories whilst in Your possession howsoever caused, and notify Us immediately of any such loss or damage.

·       Not sell or dispose of the Instruments or Accessories nor allow them to be seized in satisfaction of your debts or for any other legal process and will indemnify Us against all losses, costs, claims, damage and expenses howsoever occasioned by Your breach of this clause.


4.             Care of the Goods


You must use the Instruments and Accessories in a careful and proper manner and (apart from any arrangements for maintenance under clause 5) keep them in good working order.  You shall be responsible for sourcing and buying any reeds, strings or other disposable or replacement ancillaries for the Instruments, as required.


5.             Maintenance


We shall maintain the Instruments and Accessories in good repair and working condition. We reserve the right to request return of the Instruments and/or Accessories (as applicable) on an annual basis during the term in order to undertake any required maintenance and/or repairs, if applicable. You agree to contact Us immediately on the occurrence of anything which requires the Instruments or Accessories to be repaired or otherwise maintained.  For these purposes We shall be at liberty to remove the Instruments and Accessories or any part of them for such length of time as may be necessary and to replace them with equipment of similar (but not necessarily identical) type, which shall be held by You on these Conditions.  Unless We agree otherwise in writing, You will not be entitled to any abatement or refund of the Fee between the dates of removal and replacement or substitution.  You agree not to repair the Instruments or Accessories Yourself, or arrange for the Instruments or Accessories to be repaired, although You will be liable to pay for all repairs deemed necessary by Us, including replacement of Instrument strings after the first term’s hire.


6.             Insurance


You are responsible for all loss, theft, destruction or damage to the Instruments and Accessories even if caused by acts or events outside Your control.  The Instruments and Accessories shall remain at Your sole risk during the Term and You must therefore insure the Instruments and Accessories against all usual risks of loss, damage or destruction by fire, theft or accident and such other risks as We may from time to time nominate in writing to the Insurance Value.


7.             Liability

7.1           Nothing in these Conditions shall limit or exclude Our liability for:

·       death or personal injury caused by Our negligence, or the negligence of Our employees, agents or subcontractors;

·       fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

·       any other liability which cannot be excluded by law.

7.2           Subject to clause 7.1:

·       We shall under no circumstances whatever be liable to You, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or consequential loss arising under or in connection with the Agreement; and

·       Our total liability to You in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with the Agreement whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the amount of the Fee paid or payable within the 12 months prior to the date of any such liability arising.

7.3           We take no responsibility for:

·       the use of any Instrument or Accessory in the School for which such Instrument or Accessory is not appropriate (unless such use was in accordance with advice given by or on behalf of Us); or

·       use of the Instruments or Accessories in a manner inconsistent with advice given by Us; or

·       the use of damaged or defective Instruments or Accessories where such damage was caused by You, Your agent or any person under Your supervision or after the damage or defect was, or ought to have been, known to You.

and You shall indemnify Us against any liability incurred by Us to any third party as a consequence of the Instruments or Accessories being used in breach of this clause 7.3.

7.4           You shall indemnify Us against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by Us arising out of or in connection with a breach by You of any term of the Agreement.


8.             Term and Termination

8.1           Unless the Agreement is terminated earlier in accordance with these Conditions, You agree to take the Instruments and any Accessories for the Minimum Period (as set out in the Music Resources Kent Form) which shall start on the date that You take delivery of the Instruments and any Accessories.  Where You are already in possession of the Instruments and any Accessories, You will be deemed to have taken delivery of such on the Commencement Date.

8.2           The Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue for the Minimum Period and shall automatically continue thereafter unless and until terminated by either party in accordance with this clause 8 (“Term”).

8.3           Without affecting any other right or remedy available to Us, We may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to You if:

§  You fail to make payment of any amount due under the Agreement on the due date for payment;

§  You commit any other breach of the Agreement which is irremediable or (if such breach is remediable) fail to remedy that breach within 14 days after being notified in writing to do so;

§  You cease to do business, become unable to pay Your debts as they fall due, become or are deemed insolvent, have a receiver, liquidator, manager, administrator, administrative receiver or similar officer appointed in respect of the whole or any part of Your assets or business (or are the subject of a filing with any court for the appointment of any such officer), make any composition or arrangement with Your creditors, take or suffer any similar action in consequence of debt or an order or resolution is made for Your dissolution or liquidation (other than for the purpose of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction), or any equivalent or similar action or proceeding is taken or suffered in any jurisdiction;

§  You have made any misrepresentation to Us, whether or not recorded in the Music Resources Hire Agreement or the Music Resources Loan Agreement, or You move or propose to move to an address outside the area as We, in our complete discretion, consider reasonable to allow Us to efficiently service or maintain the Instruments and Accessories, or if We decide within Our absolute discretion that the Instruments or Accessories can no longer be efficiently serviced or maintained; or

§  You discontinue music lessons for any reason.

8.4           You have the right to terminate the Agreement by written notice to Us prior to the start of term any time after the Minimum Period.


9.             Return of the Goods


9.1           At the end of the Term You must ensure the Instruments and Accessories are checked and ready at an agreed collection point, preferably the reception area of the School.

9.2           Please ensure that the Instruments and Accessories are returned in the cases and boxes provided as each Instrument has a related barcode or Ref ID Number for tracking purposes. Failure to do this may result in You being charged for missing Instruments.

9.3           All Instruments and Accessories returned must be in good condition and You must pay to Us all amounts due but unpaid up to the date of termination of the Agreement.

10.          Discontinuance of Music Lessons


If lessons are discontinued for any reason, the Instruments and Accessories must be returned to Us immediately following the last lesson.

11            Failure to return Instruments and Accessories

11.1        If You fail to return the Instruments or Accessories on termination of the Agreement or discontinuance of lessons, You are liable to pay Us the Insurance Value shown in the Insurance Values Table.  If You are making a claim on an insurance policy, You should notify Us and keep Us informed of the progress of the claim.  We may at Our discretion charge You a fee equivalent to the Fees for any period between the date the Instruments and/or Accessories were due to be returned to Us and the date of payment of the Insurance Value to Us.

11.2        If Instruments or Accessories (including cases or boxes) are returned to Us that require replacement or repair, You will be charged accordingly. You must settle invoices within 28 days of receipt, otherwise We are at liberty to terminate the Agreement with You and the Team Leader will arrange to collect any Instruments and Accessories in Your possession or control. You will be unable to borrow or hire any more Instruments and Accessories until We receive payment.

12.          Assignment

We shall be entitled at any time to assign the benefit of the Agreement, but You may assign Your obligations under the Agreement only after obtaining Our written consent to the assignment.

13.          Severance

If any provision or part-provision of the Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Agreement.

14.          Third Parties

A person who is not a party to the Agreement shall not have any rights to enforce its terms.

15.          Waiver

A waiver of any right under the Agreement or law is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy provided under the Agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict its further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

16.          No partnership or agency

Nothing in the Agreement is intended to, or shall be deemed to, establish any partnership or joint venture between the parties, nor constitute either party the agent of the other for any purpose. Neither party shall have authority to act as agent for, or to bind, the other party in any way.

17.          Governing law

The Agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

18.          Jurisdiction


Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

Insurance Values Table

Type of Instrument/Accessory

Insurance Value

Type of Instrument/Accessory

 Insurance Value

Adjustable Footstool


Guitar (4/4 Size)


African Clave


Guitar Stand (7 per stand)


Alto Saxophone


Junior Drum Kit


Baby Dhol Drum



Junior Snare Drum







Baritone Horn


Keyboard Headphones


Bass Guitar




Bass Guitar Amp


Maracas (Pair)


Bass Recorder








Cello (1/8 Size)


Ocarina (Set of 12)


Cello (1/4 Size)




Cello (1/2 Size)




Cello (3/4 Size)


Roll-Up Keyboard


Cello (4/4 Size)


Samba Kit


Chromatic Tuner


Soprano Saxophone








Tambour (10”)


Clave (Pair)




Coconut (Pair)


Tenor Horn




Tenor Recorder




Tenor Saxophone


Descant Recorder


Treble Recorder


Digital Drum Kit




Djembe (8”)





Djembe (9”)





Djembe (10”)





Djembe (12”)



Tube (4V)


Double Bass (1/4 Size)


Two-Tone Woodblock


Double Bass (1/2 Size)




Double Bass (3/4 Size)


Ukulele Tuners


Dunun Drums (Set of 3)


Viola (12″)


Electric Guitar


Viola (13″)


Electric Guitar Amp


Viola (14″)




Viola (15″)


Euphonium (4V)



Viola (16″)




Violin (1/16 Size)


Floor Tom Drum


Violin (1/8 Size)




Violin (1/4 Size)


Flute (Curved Head)


Violin (1/2 Size)


French Horn


Violin (3/4 Size)





Violin (4/4 Size)


Guitar (1/4 Size)


Wood Block


Guitar (1/2 Size)




Guitar (3/4 Size)




NB – these figures are averages only. The actual value of an instrument depends upon the make and model. Please contact Music Resources for more information.

Terms and Conditions: Summer School

Please keep in mind that the below Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with Kent Music’s General Terms & Conditions (above).

1.          Booking Procedure

Each booking will be processed on receipt of an online application form. To apply please visit and follow links to courses.

Bookings will be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt. When your booking is confirmed you will be sent an invoice for the deposit payment. A non-refundable deposit of £35 is required within 5 working days of receiving your invoice to secure your place. Please do not make a payment until you have received your confirmation email and invoice. If you do not pay the deposit within 5 working days your place will be released and you will have to reapply for the course.

Early booking is strongly recommended to secure your place. If a course (or section of a course) is full, your booking will be placed on a waiting list and you will be advised if a place becomes available. If Kent Music is unable to offer a place, all your related fees will be refunded.

2.          Payment Procedure

You will receive an invoice for the non-refundable deposit with your booking confirmation and we ask that this is paid on receipt to secure your place. The deposit makes up part of the total course fee.

An invoice for the remaining fee will be sent to you week beginning 28th April 2025. You will be able to pay this invoice in one lump sum or by instalments of your choice through your SpeedAdmin account. Course fees must be received in full no later than the 2nd July 2025.

If you would like to discuss an alternative payment plan, pay in instalments, or you are awaiting confirmation of financial assistance, please email

3.          Joining Instructions

You will receive the course joining instructions no later than the end of June 2025. These will give you final details on plans for the course, accessing the site, what to bring and more.

Cancellation Procedure and Refunds

4.          Withdrawal by student

Notice to withdraw must be given in writing, either by letter or email to The cancellation will be confirmed by e-mail within 15 working days of receipt; the refund amount will be verified.

If a student is unable to attend a course the following refund policy will apply:

Withdrawal notification received by

  • On or before 31/05/25 = Full refund (minus non-refundable deposit)
  • Between 01/06/25 & 17/06/25 = 50% of full course fee
  • Between 18/06/25 & 30/06/25 = 25% of full course fee
  • On or after 01/07/25 = No refund

Please note: The refund policy applies to all registered students regardless of their date of registration or when/if payments have been made.

5.          Withdrawal due to illness or accident

If a student is unable to attend due to illness or accident, we request you send us the doctor and/or hospital certificate to confirm. In this instance a refund, less £35.00 deposit will be processed. Please note, this applies to all medical conditions including Covid related withdrawals.

6.          Cancellations by Kent Music

Should Kent Music cancel any KMSS courses, a full refund including the deposit will be processed.

All refunds will be processed as soon as possible and no later than 09 September 2025.

Terms and Conditions: Schools’ Funded Opportunities


In 2021 Kent Music became the lead organisation for the Music Hub for Kent. The Kent Hub works with nearly 600 state funded schools and a range of partners to deliver services and contributing aims for Music Hubs, as outline by Arts Council England. The following are Terms, Conditions and Guidelines for the usage of funds allocated to state schools through Kent Music in its role as the lead organisation for Music Education in Kent and Medway. The Funded Opportunities programme is an annual programme providing access to funds or resources for 1 academic year. Schools who are directly funded by the hub to run externally led activity must use their funding allocation in the academic year it has been allocated. 

Useful definitions and acronyms

ACE: Arts Council England

Annual survey: Kent Music’s annual survey which is sent out in the summer term CPD: continuing professional development

DfE: Department for Education

MH/Music Hub: groups of organisations – such as local authorities, schools, other hubs, arts

organisations, community or voluntary organisations – working together to create joined-up music education

provision, responding to local need and fulfilling the objectives of the hub as set out in the national plan for music

MusicPlus: is the name for the funded KS2 Whole Class Instrumental Tuition (WCIT) programme in Kent provided by Kent Music and other music education providers. The programme incorporates whole class instrumental teaching, CPD, and Quality Assurance

MusicPlus Digital: Kent Music’s online resource for whole class KS2 ukulele tuition

Agency project: Agency Projects are set up by a nursery, school, academy, college or other learning centre requiring a specialist teacher for their music delivery.

National Plan for Music Education (NPME): a DfE document published in June 2022 which sets out a vision for all children and young people to learn to sing, play an instrument and create music together, to have the opportunity to progress their musical interests and talents, including professionally.

Quality Assurance: Kent Music’s supportive programme for assuring the quality of music provision.


Area Manager

Your Area Manager is on hand to support with funded opportunities and can advise you directly about the needs of your school.

Area Administration Team

The Area Administration team support with the scheduling of Kent Music MusicPlus, continuation, and agency projects.

Music Resources

Please contact the music resources team to organise the collection or delivery of instruments that are hired from Kent Music. Where there is a change of instrument for projects it is a school’s responsibility to inform the Music Resources team. Further information on the services they provide can be found at, they are contactable on

Hub Team

If you have further questions about Kent Music’s funded opportunities for schools, we ask that you contact a member of the Hub Team where they will be able to answer your questions about MusicPlus provision and providers,ensemble leaders, CPD, specialist consultancy and resource access. To get in contact email


General Guidance for All State Schools

1.         General Information on Funded Opportunities

1.1.     Where funded opportunities are provided to schools, it is to assist in the enabling of the main aims for Music Hubs as outlined by Arts Council England. These are:

              To support schools and other educational settings to deliver high-quality music education.

              To support young people to develop their musical interests and talent further, including into employment.

              To support all children and young people to engage with a range of musical opportunities in and out of school.

1.2    The action of providing funded opportunities to schools is a choice made by Kent Music and not a directive from the Arts Council England (ACE). Every Music Hub will engage with their schools differently.

1.3    Kent schools engaging in funded opportunities must adhere to the terms and conditions for their selected funded opportunity. Kent Music reserves the right to stop funded projects and opportunities at any point in the year in any school and at any key stage if the Terms and Conditions are not adhered to.

1.4    It is the school’s responsibility to make Kent Music aware of any changes in personnel, changes to contact details or bank details. Funded opportunities missed due to miscommunication will not be guaranteed.


2.         Kent Music Annual Survey, Monitoring and Reporting

2.1.     Kent Music is required by ACE to provide annual data showing the impact of the funded opportunities they provide. It is therefore a requirement of the receipt of funded projects and opportunities that schools complete the annual survey from Kent Music, the results of which are fed back to ACE.


3.         Quality Assurance

3.1.     The 2013 Ofsted report ‘Music in Schools; what [RR3] hubs must do’ stated that music education hubs should ‘have regular supportive, challenging conversations with each of their schools about the quality of music education’͘
Because of this, Kent Music reserves the right to quality assure any of its funded opportunities at any time.

3.2.     Kent schools in receipt of funded projects and opportunities must agree to work with and meet Kent Music staff when necessary, to ensure that all funded activities are of a high standard and quality.


4.         Crediting

4.1.     Funding comes from the Department for Education, managed by Arts Council England. Arts Council England has produced a logo to be used when crediting funding from Music Education Hubs. The logo is available at

4.2.     The ACE logo MUST be used on all printed material used for public events that are funded by the Music Hub. Schools do not have to use this logo on their website if they are in receipt of projects and opportunities funded by the hub. The logo is only required to be used for public events which have been funded using ACE funding received from Kent Music.


5.         Kent Music Teachers

Our commitment to Schools and Education Providers:

·       Kent Music and their partnership providers offer experienced teachers, without the school incurring employment costs or overheads.

·       Our teachers and the teachers of our partnership providers are subject to a monitoring (quality assurance) system and are supported with a training programme throughout the year, including mandatory Child Protection training.

·       All staff working with children and young people have a current enhanced disclosure through Disclosure & Barring Service


Funded Opportunities for Schools

The options for funded opportunities that Kent Music provide will differ based on the type of school accessing them. The diagram below demonstrates what is on offer by school type.

6.        Funded Opportunities

6.1.     Each school in Kent will be able to access free CPD opportunities and will then be able to select one other funded opportunity that will be funded by Kent Music.

6.2.     Schools are eligible for one funded opportunity per school year.

6.3.     Schools will be asked to apply for their funded opportunity in the summer term ahead of the academic year they wish to access it in. Kent Music will endeavour to allocate schools their first choice of funded opportunity where possible.

6.4.     Schools will be required to complete the Kent Music annual survey to access funded opportunities

6.5.     Funding cannot be used to:

  subsidise the costs of 1-1 or small group tuition*

  buy, hire, or mend instruments*

  pay for performance licences

  pay for one-off events and workshops

  purchase stationery

  pay for salaried classroom staff

*Students can apply to the Kent Music bursary fund and financial assistance scheme to support the costs of their tuition. Information on this can be found on our website. In addition, if students need financial support to help with costs of instrumental and vocal tuition, we encourage schools to consider the use of Pupil Premium funding to support their cos


7.         Funded Opportunity – Ensemble Leader

7.1.    Primary, junior, secondary and special schools can opt for an ensemble leader to provide extracurricular ensemble provision. The school will receive an amount of funding to support ensemble provision. Junior and primary schools will receive a contribution of £810 towards the running of an ensemble across the academic year. Secondary schools are asked to inform the Music Hub of the number of ensembles being run in the school and an allocation will be made to support the running of ensembles.

7.2.    In the instances where the funding amount does not fully subsidise the cost for running the ensemble the school is expected to financially contribute towards the running of the ensemble.

7.3.    Where Kent Music provides the ensemble leader to the schools, the funding for this provision will be directed to Kent Music.

7.4.    Where schools source their ensemble provision through one of our partner providers we will send funding straight to the partner. (Please speak to your Area Manager or member of the Hub Team to confirm who our partner providers are)

7.5.    Where schools source a private instrumental or vocal teacher to deliver their ensemble provision, we will directly fund the school in two payments, an autumn term payment and a spring term payment.

7.6.    Where needed, the hire of instruments is at an additional cost. Prices can be found on our website:

7.7.    If schools decide to access an ensemble leader as an additional opportunity outside of the one funded by Kent Music per year, they will be responsible for the additional cost.

7.8.     Funding for ensemble leaders cannot be used to subsidise the running of whole class instrumental projects in KS3 or curriculum teaching at any key stage.

7.9.    The funding for ensembles cannot be used to pay school teachers or classroom teachers to run ensembles.


8.        Funded Opportunity – Specialist Consultancy

8.1.   All school types can opt for specialist consultancy to aid their curriculum development, provide staff training and support improvement of music provision in their school.

8.2.   Schools will be required to go through an auditing process with Kent Music to best allocate the funding towards support mechanisms.

8.3.   specialist consultancy will be tailored to each school. Kent Music and the school will work together to plan towards the school’s vision for music.

8.4.   The specialist consultancy offer is designed to take place within an academic year to best embed the practice into
the school’s approach to delivering curriculum music and other musical activities͘. Funded opportunities cannot be carried over.

8.5.   Only schools requesting their support and training needs from Kent Music can request a funded opportunity for specialist consultancy.

8.6.   A school’s allocated funding amount for specialist consultancy will be directed to Kent Music to cover costs for delivery.

8.7.   There are limited spaces available for specialist consultancy schools for the 2024-25 academic year. Spaces will be allocated based on need. Schools who are unsuccessful applying for specialist consultancy will be offered an alternative funded opportunity.


9.         Funded Opportunity – Sing Up!

9.1.     All school types can opt for Sing Up! membership for one year as a funded opportunity.

9.2.     Sing Up membership must be obtained through Kent Music to receive membership through funded opportunities.

9.3.     Schools are not able to receive membership to other online resources or curriculum resources through funded opportunities.

9.4.     Where a school already has membership to Sing Up! they will not be reimbursed for their current membership, however, they can use the funded opportunity to renew their membership of Sing Up for the 24-25 academic year.

9.5.     Where a school has opted for Sing Up as their Funded Opportunity and is due a renewal of their preexisting Sing Up membership during the 24-25 academic year this will be administered through Sing Up as and when the renewal is due.



10.   Funded Opportunity – MusicPlus

All funded MusicPlus teaching must be undertaken by a competent music teacher, either: a salaried music specialist employed by the school with the sole responsibility for music delivery or a visiting music specialist. We will not fund MusicPlus projects led by non-specialist music teachers or classroom teachers. We will not fund MusicPlus projects delivered on Ocarina or Djembe. Whole class instrumental teaching on these instruments can take place in all other year groups and must be paid for by the school.

10.1.                               All mainstream schools who have selected a MusicPlus project are required to use this funding towards a project in one KS2 year group or mixed year group if a smaller school.

10.2.                               If a school has chosen to engage Kent Music, or one of its official partner providers, to deliver their MusicPlus provision, funds for that provision will be directed to Kent Music or the provider. MusicPlus provision is part-funded by ACE through a grant to Kent Music. This funding covers two thirds of the cost of the programme and schools are expected to make up the difference which amounts to £405 per class/project.

10.3.                               Kent Music MusicPlus projects are designed to be 30 weeks in length for one year group, with one hour per class/project of teaching time per week. Funding from Kent Music will cover 2/3 of the delivery cost per project (£810) and the school will be expected to contribute the remaining 1/3 of the of the project cost (£405).

10.4.                               An invoice for the MusicPlus cost and instrument hire payable by the school will be issued by email during the academic year and will outline the payment methods available. Payment is due within 14 days from the date on your invoice. A reminder email will be issued if an invoice remains unpaid after 14 days. Kent Music reserves the right to discontinue teaching with immediate effect following an overdue invoice. Sessions cancelled due to non-payment will not be rescheduled or refunded and instruments will be collected.

10.5.                               Kent Music partnership providers may provide 20-week programmes to schools.

10.6.                                Schools who engage with an outside provider for their provision, including Kent Music, should communicate regularly with the teacher to support embedding the project into school life. Discussions should enable teachers to plan effectively for the project and pupils and particularly to support the design of joint objectives or outcomes for the project.

10.7.                               Where MusicPlus is being led by a visiting teacher from Kent Music or an alternative provider, a class teacher must be present at every lesson, in addition to the required TA support for the pupils. This is to assist our teacher with Health and Safety issues, behaviour management, pupil information and support. The presence of the teacher should be viewed as an opportunity to upskill on the instrument and as professional development as well as a support mechanism.

10.8.                                Where a school chooses to hire a private peripatetic instrument teacher to deliver MusicPlus, funds will be sent to the school in two payments, one in autumn term and one in the spring term of the academic year. Kent Music will provide schools with a funding amount of £810 per project to subsidise the cost.

10.9.                                Where schools deliver MusicPlus using a classroom teacher, funding should be directed into one of the other offers.

10.10.                          Where needed, instruments for MusicPlus are provided at a subsidised charge of £36 per project (class) for the year. Where schools require instrument hire, they must contact the Music Resources team at Kent Music via email.

10.11.                          Where a MusicPlus project is having to start mid-year, the funding amount and chargeable fee will be altered accordingly.

10.12.                          We ask schools to only make significant changes to their MusicPlus provision in the summer term in preparation for the next academic year. However, during an academic year, for a number of reasons it is possible that some MusicPlus projects may change providers from a Kent Music teacher to a partner provider, a private non-Kent Music teacher or vice versa. In such circumstances where a mid-year change is necessary, half a terms notice is required. The following notes outline the ways that the Music Hub will deal with
your funding:

              Non-KM to KM teacher/partner provider: your direct-to-bank payments will cease, and funds will be redirected to KM or to the partner provider.

              KM teacher to non-KM teacher: your school will have been invoiced for your MusicPlus project at the start of the year. If a school chooses to change their provision mid-year the payment will not be refunded.


10.14                                 We ask that schools who have their MusicPlus provision provided by Kent Music discuss MusicPlus teaching dates with their Kent Music teacher in advance of the project commencing to prevent a shortfall of delivery, including future sessions that will require rearranging, e.g., INSET days or school trips. Refunds will not be given for undelivered sessions of MusicPlus except for extraneous reasons such as prolonged Kent Music teacher illness (of at least 5 consecutive sessions) where this will be refunded at the end of the academic year upon application to In the event of sessions cancelled by a Kent Music teacher, these will be sought to be made up by the end of the academic year where possible.

10.15                                    MusicPlus Digital is a blended learning approach to teaching. The full programme takes place over 15- 30 weeks depending on delivery. Access to the resource can be provided for a fee of £50 per school.


11.  Funded Opportunity – Open Orchestra

11.1.                                Where a special school is delivering an Open Orchestra project this must be run by a member of school staff acting as Orchestra lead as well as a member of Kent Music teaching staff.

11.2.                               The school must assign a member of staff to the project to act as Orchestra Lead. This member of staff must be available for every session during the project and will act as a main point of contact for KM and Open Orchestra.

11.3.                               Kent Music will subsidise year 1 and 2 of the project by two thirds of the whole cost (c.£1620) leaving the school to contribute 1 third of the total cost of the project (c. £810)

11.4.                               The project will be scheduled for 30 weeks across the academic year, split into 3 terms of 10 sessions. Each session should be arranged for 2 hours each where possible. Where a school wishes to deliver more than 10 sessions in a term, the additional sessions will be chargeable to the school and must be arranged through the KM Area Manager in advance.

11.5.                               Where needed, the hire of instruments is at an additional cost. Prices can be found on our website:

11.6.                               Open Orchestra runs through a membership and have their own annual membership fee. For the first year of the project KM will take on the membership fee for the school, from year 2 of the project the school is expected to pay for their own membership fee.

11.7.                               Where students require 1-1 support staff or a TA, they should be made available to participate and support their students in every session.




Terms and Conditions: School Agency Projects


For the purpose of this agreement “Term” refers to one of the following periods: Autumn (September to December), Spring (January to March), Summer (April to July)


Please send all written communications via email to or in writing to our head office:

Kent Music
Units 25 & 26 Creative Enterprise Quarter
Javelin Way
TN24 8FN

1.         Overview

Agency Projects are set up by a nursery, school, academy, college, or other learning centre requiring a specialist teacher for their music delivery.  

These projects can include individual or small group lessons, whole class lessons, ensembles and choirs, and continuation lessons for students who have completed their MusicPlus year.

2.         Safer Recruitment

All Kent Music teaching staff are recruited in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education. The following pre-employment checks are completed:

·       Reference checks – obtaining a minimum of two satisfactory references for all roles working with children 

·       Identity check 

·       Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check for roles meeting the definition of regulated activity 

·       Barred list check for those in regulated activity 

·       Prohibition from teaching checks 

·       Check of right to work in the UK 

·       Additional checks for those who have lived or worked outside the UK for roles meeting the definition of regulated activity 

·       Professional qualifications and/or membership of a professional body where it is a legal requirement for the role 

·       Check of mental and physical fitness to carry out work responsibilities

3.        Undeliverable sessions

Schools must let the Kent Music customer services team know in writing at the start of this agreement about any trips, closures, or dates when teaching cannot take place. A minimum of four weeks’ notice must be given by the school ahead of any cancelled teaching session. However, if closures are unforeseen, please endeavour to give at least a week’s written notice (email is acceptable). If written notice is not received, the missed sessions will not be rescheduled or refunded.

4.        Kent Music Staff Absence

In the event of staff absence due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances, the teacher will discuss with the school when any missed sessions can be rescheduled. Kent Music reserves the right to deploy substitute teachers to complete the tuition arranged under the Service Level Agreement (SLA). This will be done in consultation with the school.

If Kent Music is unable to provide a substitute teacher and the session cannot be rescheduled, any missed sessions will be credited back to the school at the end of the academic year or at the end of the Agency Project if this is before the end of the academic year.

5.        Changes to scheduled provision including cancellation

All communication regarding changes should be requested via and not via the teacher. At the end of each academic year, schools will be contacted directly by Kent Music in the summer term to confirm or make changes to the next year’s provision.

Kent Music cannot take responsibility for lessons cancelled by the school but does agree to re-arrange lessons by mutual agreement provided advance notice has been given and provided there is enough time left in the academic year. Missed sessions will not be carried over into subsequent academic years.

Kent Music will only change or cancel teaching in the following circumstances:

·       Kent Music teacher maternity cover

·       Kent Music teacher resignation

·       upheld complaints by the school or Kent Music teacher

·       long-term Kent Music teacher sickness

  • by mutual agreement of all parties

If the school wishes to cancel, the school agrees to provide half a term’s notice to enable Kent Music to give notice to the teacher. This must be sent in writing by email or by letter before the half-term holiday. Notice given verbally or in writing to the teacher will not be registered as notice. Cancellation dates can also be found on the Music Lessons page of our website

Changes to provision made during the year, for example change of length of session, change of teacher, change of project type, will be accommodated where possible. If the change is not possible, the school has the option to cancel; see above for further details.

6.        Complaints

If a school would like to raise any concerns or complaints about the Agency Project or a Kent Music teacher deployed to them for Agency Project provision they can do so by emailing the details to our administration team. All complaints/issues must be submitted in writing. If any issue or complaint brought by the school leads to a Kent Music teacher withdrawing from the provision, Kent Music will work with the school to reschedule the teaching. If a school decides not to accept any alternative offer made to them they will need to source alternative provision and cancel their SLA with Kent Music. Refunds of the school’s payment – in full or pro rata – can be given providing that there has not been a breach of these Terms and Conditions.

7.        Invoices

The school agrees to make prompt payment within 14 days on receipt of Kent Music invoices.

8.        Amendments to these terms

Kent Music reserves the right to review these terms from time to time, normally at the end of an academic year. You will have the option to accept the revised terms or withdraw from future Agency Projects if we change our terms. If we advise you of any material change to these terms to your detriment without giving sufficient notice to enable you to withdraw from the Agreement by the specified date, you will not be required to pay a fee in lieu of notice in respect of the following term.

This Agreement is governed by English Law.

Terms and Conditions: CPD and Training Opportunities

These Terms & Conditions relate to all courses and training sessions run by Kent Music only.

Delegates should pre-book an event/course place themselves or via their CPD leader. All people attending an event must be in receipt of a confirmed place notification from the Kent Music team or booking site prior to attending.
Failure to pre-book your place could result in you being turned away or charged.

Cancellation policy

As a charitable organisation, our aim is to provide schools and teachers with free or low-cost training opportunities using our available funding wherever possible. However, when participants or organisations do not attend, attend without prior booking, or fail to cancel within a specified timeframe, costs are incurred that could have been utilised by others.

This has ultimately put us in the position where we must introduce charges for these situations. This is crucial for us to ensure the efficient and fair utilisation of our resources, allowing us to continue offering valuable training and music education opportunities to as many individuals as possible.

By implementing these charges, we strive to maintain the sustainability of our programmes and maximise the positive impact within the education community. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we continue to support schools and teachers through our valuable training sessions.

Our cancellation policy and associated charges apply to any applicant not attending, who does not arrive for an event/course for which a confirmed place has been allocated to them or where they have not cancelled their place within the timescales detailed in the cancellation policy below.

Cancellations will only be accepted via email to

Free online Courses:
Cancellations received within 48 hours (not including non-working days) of the course start date or non-attendance for any reason, will result in a £10 fee.

Free face-to-face Events:
Delegate cancels 48 hours (not including non-working days) or less prior to the event start date or fails to attend will incur a fee of £15.

Kent Music Conference:

Delegate cancels 14 days or less prior to the event start date or fails to attend will incur a fee of £35.
Delegates attending an event/course without proof of a confirmed place will incur a fee of £50.

Face-to-face Chargeable Events:
Applicant cancels 15 days or more prior to the event date – No Charge.
Applicant cancels 14 days or less prior to event start date or fails to attend – Full event/course fee.
Delegates attending an event/course without proof of a confirmed place will incur an administration fee of £15 in addition to the full event cost.

Any charges incurred through late cancellation or non-attendance will be sent via invoice no later than 14 days after the event has taken place.