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Singing in School

How to improve singing in schools

  • Develop a whole school approach to singing where all staff are on board and aware of the importance of singing
  • Include singing in your Music Development Plan
  • Ensure there are regular opportunities for singing, little and often is the best approach! 
  • Get help! There are many organisations out there to help schools, get in touch and get going!

Focus areas

A good starting point is to think about your long-term vision for singing in school and make these your aims. Once you have decided your aims set yourself a timeline to achieve them and off you go! Below are some examples:

  • Run regular singing assemblies allowing students to sing as a whole school/in key stages/ within a community setting 
  • All staff are confident using their voices in lessons and in singing assemblies 
  • Singing will be used regularly in curriculum lessons to support the delivery of the music curriculum 
  • We will have a choir/s open to all pupils run by a skilled musician providing the children with the opportunity to engage with high quality singing 
  • More boys will be singing as part of the whole school choir 
  • Pupils will be provided the opportunity to sing in a range of styles and genres throughout the academic year 
  • The school will provide opportunities for students to showcase their singing as an ensemble and soloist throughout the year