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MusicPlus Digital


Do we have to hire ukuleles to access MusicPlus Digital?

If the school already have access to ukuleles you will be able to use your own instruments. If a school does not have ukuleles of their own they can hire them through our Music resources department.

Do we need to have a music teacher to deliver MusicPlus Digital?

The resource is designed to have a teacher in the classroom; however, all concepts and learning is delivered by the interactive teacher, Jake. The classroom teacher would need to assess the progress of all learners and ensure students were keeping up with content. A non-specialist would be able to follow along and support the class and we can deliver the first lesson to get things started!

Can we use MusicPlus Digital for our year 5 pupils?

The content has been designed to support KS2 learners, and mostly geared towards year 4! However, it can work just as well for any KS2 learners as long as they are new learners to the ukulele

Can we use this as our curriculum resource?

The resource is designed to provide a breadth of learning opportunities for KS2, and specifically designed to support the delivery of whole class instrumental tuition rather than curriculum aims. We advise teachers plan carefully to ensure all national curriculum aims are met if not delivering separate curriculum and WCIT lessons.

What next?

MusicPlus Digital costs £50 per school for access to the content for an academic year. If you would like to learn more about the resource you can either contact your Area Manager or email the Hub team on

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