Welcome to O1 FEST! – Orchestra ONE Project 27, August 2021
In August 2021, Orchestra ONE (O1) returned for its 27th project and our first one face-to-face in nearly two years! It was absolutely wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to hear our young musicians making live music again.
Orchestra One

‘Notification, Conversation, Celebration’ – Orchestra ONE’s 26th Project
Following the success of our first ever virtual Orchestra ONE (O1) course back in October, we were thrilled to welcome 17 young musicians who joined us via Zoom for Project 26. Our participants spent the second week of the Easter holidays composing a brand new piece on the topic of “Communication”.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE – Project 25: “The Food That We Share”
2020 was a challenging year for all of us. For Orchestra ONE (O1), it meant that we were unable to hold our usual projects in the Easter and Summer holidays. However, in the October half term our fantastic participants and inspiring tutors came together for our first ever virtual O1 course. It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces again after nearly a year apart, and even better to welcome new participants to the O1 family.
Orchestra One

Day & Night Festival 2020
Welcome to Day & Night Festival, a brand-new virtual music festival from Kent Music for summer 2020!

Day & Night Festival: Open Mic
The Day & Night Festival isn’t just about hearing from us at Kent Music! Summer days, nights and music are for everyone, so we want to hear from you.

Young Trustee Jessica Cooling Shares her Kent Music Journey
We were delighted to work with Sound Connections on their ‘Zoom In To Youth Voice‘ project this summer.

Kent’s own harpist Hannah placed in national competition
Kent Music is proud to celebrate young harpist Hannah Runting, who has been placed second in her category of the North London Harp Competition, a national event which is well-recognised in the music world.

Orchestra ONE’s Greatest Hits – Competition Winners
For the last nine years, young people across Kent have been coming together to take part in our epic Orchestra ONE projects. The music created during these courses never fails to impress and inspire us here at Kent Music.
Orchestra One

Now That’s What I Call Orchestra ONE!
We’ve been thinking about all of the incredible compositions that have been created from these projects and our superb Sound Engineer, Tom Wood, came up with an idea – why not make an Orchestra ONE Greatest Hits album?! Tom has taken all of the best bits from the last two years’ worth of projects and re-edited these to create a playlist celebrating all of the ‘best bits’ from Projects 19-24.
Orchestra One