Orchestra ONE Project 35 – TIME
In October 2025, young musicians came together to compose on the theme of TIME for Orchestra ONE's 35th project.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE Project 34 – Funfair!
In May 2024, Orchestra ONE's 34th project, "Funfair," brought together over 30 young musicians at Highworth School in Ashford.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE Project 33 – Distant Worlds
Project 33, "Distant Worlds," took place in February 2024 and encouraged participants to explore space-themed music.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE Project 32 – Underwater Worlds
In October 2023, Orchestra ONE's Project 32, "Underwater Worlds," took participants on an immersive musical journey exploring oceanic themes.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE Project 31 – Myths & Legends
Young musicians gathered to create a new suite of music inspired by myths and legends. Led by Issie Barratt, director of the National Youth Jazz Collective, the participants started from scratch and developed their ideas into a cohesive piece over a few days.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE Project 30 – Fantasy
Welcome, adventurers! After Orchestra ONE‘s 29th project, participants were asked what themes and ideas they’d be interested in exploring when Orchestra ONE met in the Summer of 2022, and Fantasy was a hugely popular choice.
Orchestra One

Welcome to O1 FEST! – Orchestra ONE Project 27, August 2021
In August 2021, Orchestra ONE (O1) returned for its 27th project and our first one face-to-face in nearly two years! It was absolutely wonderful to see so many familiar faces and to hear our young musicians making live music again.
Orchestra One

‘Notification, Conversation, Celebration’ – Orchestra ONE’s 26th Project
Following the success of our first ever virtual Orchestra ONE (O1) course back in October, we were thrilled to welcome 17 young musicians who joined us via Zoom for Project 26. Our participants spent the second week of the Easter holidays composing a brand new piece on the topic of “Communication”.
Orchestra One

Orchestra ONE – Project 25: “The Food That We Share”
2020 was a challenging year for all of us. For Orchestra ONE (O1), it meant that we were unable to hold our usual projects in the Easter and Summer holidays. However, in the October half term our fantastic participants and inspiring tutors came together for our first ever virtual O1 course. It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces again after nearly a year apart, and even better to welcome new participants to the O1 family.
Orchestra One