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John Summerfield

Piano & Keyboard,Strings

Double Bass , Keyboard , Piano

I am a music teacher with a lifetime of experience in encouraging pupils to make music. I studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama for the Graduate Diploma (G.G.S.M.) specialising in the piano and double bass. Afterwards I continued to study the double bass and achieved an (L.R.A.M.) in double bass teaching. Ten years later I went to Goldsmiths College to study and achieve the B.Mus Honours degree awarded by the University of London.

During the course of my career I have worked as a Head of Music in a large Secondary School; directed a large Wind Band; run a Children's Orchestra as well as several Children's Choirs. In addition I have spent much time teaching individual pupils how to play the piano and double bass- many achieving credible examination results. My bass players in addition have enjoyed membership of various School and Youth Orchestras.

Outside teaching I still play the bass professionally in concerts and shows and play the piano primarily to accompany singers and instrumentalists for grade examinations as well as play for Operatic Societies.