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National Plan for Music Education

Main aims of the NPME

The Plan sets out three goals for music education, highlighting the importance of providing fully inclusive access to ‘a broad musical culture’ through ‘expertise, instruments, technology and facilities they need to learn, create and share their music.’:  

  1. All children and young people receive a high-quality music education in the early years and in schools (chapter 1 which focuses on the role of schools, with some mention of early years provision)  
  2. All music educators to work in partnership with children and young people’s needs and interests at their heart (which focuses on the role of Hub Partnerships)  
  3. All children and young people with musical interests and talents to have the opportunity to progress their interests and potential, including professionally  

Summary for Schools

It’s important that music leads in all schools read the full document and share the relevant information with their leadership teams. The NPME recognises the importance of high-quality music making in schools. Below we have provided a summary of the key points for schools suggested by the DfE:

  • Timetabled curriculum lesson of at least one hour each week of the school year for key stages 1-3  
  • Access to instrumental and vocal lessons across a range of instruments and voice for pupils 
  • A school choir and/or vocal ensemble 
  • A school ensemble/band/group  
  • Designated spaces that are assigned for rehearsals and individual music practice  
  • A termly school performance or showcase  
  • Opportunity to enjoy live performance at least once a year 
  • A Music Development Plan that overviews both the curricular and co-curricular offer and sets out how this will be funded and built upon